Iron Hill Science Center
Scout Programs
For more than 20 years, the Iron Hill Museum & Science Center has offered Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout programs throughout the year.
Our grounds and the nearby New Castle County Iron Hill Park are ideal for explorative programs that are nature based. Lesson plans have been tailored to take advantage of the biodiversity, wildlife, and terrain of the Iron Hill Park. All programs include hands-on activities and time outside.
* If there are badges and/or specific individual requirements Troop leaders are looking to fulfill that are not listed here, please contact us for further assistance. We may be able to accommodate your request. *
Cub Scout Programs
Please contact our Director, Maureen Zieber, at 302-368-5703 or director@ironhillsciencecenter.org for more information or questions. Price is $8 per scout. The cub scout programs are scheduled by troop. If you have less than 10 scouts, we do charge a base price of $80.
Champions for Nature Lion Elective
Champions for Nature Tiger Elective
Sky is the Limit Elective
Tigers in the Wild
Wolf Cub
Air of the Wolf Elective
Champions of Nature Wolf Elective
Digging in the Past Elective
Finding Your Way Elective
Paws on the Path
Spirit of the Water Elective
Bear Habitat
Balancing Bears Elective
Champions for Nature Bear Elective
Super Science Elective
Champions for Nature Webelo's Elective
Earth Rocks
Arrow of Light
Champions of Nature AOL Elective
Into the Wild
Into the Woods
Boy Scout Programs
The Iron Hill Merit Badge Center has been our Merit Badge hub now for over a decade. Each class is taught by a certified counselor, and some of the classes have guest specialists that will also take part. Our new schedules come out every July/August.
We do help individual scouts finish merit badges as well. Please call ahead of time for availability. The merit badges we cover for individual coursework aide are:
American Heritage
Bird Study
Environmental Science
Indian Lore
Insect Study
Mammal Study
Reptile & Amphibian Study
Soil & Water
If you wish to sign up your whole troop for a Merit Badge on a different day than the schedule listing at Iron Hill Merit Badge Center, please contact the director at director@ironhillsciencecenter.org or 302-368-5703. Subjects and times are limited.
Scouts BSA Levels and their Requirements:
Scout (New Scout)- Requirements can be found here.
Tenderfoot (First Class)- Requirements can be found here.
Second Class- Requirements can be found here.
First Class- Requirements can be found here.
Girl Scout Programs
Iron Hill Museum & Science Center is pleased to offer programs to Girl Scouts for their nature related badges and patches. We have certified educators that are excited and prepared to present the programs and experimental requirements that are needed for each badge.
Please contact our Director, Maureen Zieber, at 302-368-5703 or director@ironhillsciencecenter.org for more information or questions. Price is $8 per scout. If you have less than 10 scouts, we do charge a base price of $80.
The programs we offer are as follows:
Daisy Eco Learner
Daisy Outdoor Art Maker
Daisy Trail Adventure
Brownie Bugs
Brownie Design with Nature *We do not build a bird feeder
Brownie Eco Friend *We do not build a fire, but we talk about fire safety.
Brownie Hiker
Brownie Home Scientist
Brownie Numbers in Nature *We do not plant the garden.
Brownie Outdoor Adventurer
Brownie Outdoor Art Creator
Brownie Senses
Brownie Shapes in Nature
Brownie Trail Adventure
Junior Animal Habitats
Junior Flowers
Junior Numbers in Nature
Junior Playing the Past: School House Edition
Junior Playing the Past: Lenape Lifeways
Junior Shapes in Nature
Cadette Archery
Cadette Eco Trekker
Cadette Night Owl *Program does not include the meeting of people who work night hours, nor hosting an Extreme Nighttime Party.*
Cadette Trees
At times, Iron Hill Museum & Science Center sometimes partners with the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay. Please go to the GSCB website, and put in “Iron Hill” in the search bar to find all of the classes we teach onsite throughout the school year in that partnership.

Hummingbird Moth pollinating Milkweed Plant
Photo by Maureen Zieber